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pain only goes so deep until i become numb
and drift away into sweet oblivion

� 2002 jbj
@ aim oralsex

The current mood of jbj49@bellsouth.net at www.imood.com

11.02.02 | 8:01 pm

i had to close the site. im crying here like a baby. its a pet memorial website. it is located here I miss my two cats, Maxine and Cornflake, and my dog Ram. I loved them so much. I'm such a wimp when it comes to animals dying. I cry whenever I watch Charlotte's web. I cried when watching Discovery, and this meerkat got into a fight with a jackal. The next day he was all bloodied, and barely could move. Another meerkat from his family came over and rested his head on the injured meerkat. It made me cry to see that level of compassion in an animal. Then the poor guy crawled off and died. Its so strange. I watch the news and hear about people dying and being blown to bits and it doesnt phase me. I didnt cry at my grandmother's funeral. But an animal dying will make me cry. I cried when one of Steve Irwin's favorite crocodiles at the Australia National Zoo died.

