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pain only goes so deep until i become numb
and drift away into sweet oblivion

� 2002 jbj
@ aim oralsex

The current mood of jbj49@bellsouth.net at www.imood.com

auspicious feeling
10.18.02 | 1:57 pm

turns out scientists found a mummified dinosaur. read about it here. i wish they'd hurry up and clone wooly mammoths, i want one for a pet.

10.18.02 | 8:58 pm

just some random thoughts --
we did not evolve from monkies. we evolved from a common ancestor that we share with other primates. get it freakin right. yes, evolution is a fact. the devil trying to fool us with the scientific evidence is quite rediculous. i love fundamentalism, don't you?
Mr. Jeep Wrangler - get off my ass. I drive a honda civic, you realize your lights are at the right level to blind me?
the lady at the discount bookstore said my book selection was interesting. I bought Alice in Wonderland, Main Street, and Pascal's Pensees. A little fantasy, satire, and theology, its all good.
fuck Barbie dolls
i hate the fact they we unknowingly raise our children to be consumers. work, buy, work, buy, work, buy, work, buy, die...this is the life my parents live. Is this the American dream? some of my friends are quite materialistic. what's more important in life, knowledge and experiences, or a goddamn new refridgerator or a fucking lexus? im just as guilty, for the longest time i said my goal was to buy a ferrari. what silly, ignorant people we are.

oh, i went jogging today. i am quite out of shape. blech.
