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pain only goes so deep until i become numb
and drift away into sweet oblivion

� 2002 jbj
@ aim oralsex

The current mood of jbj49@bellsouth.net at www.imood.com

jessica biel
10.17.02 | 7:38 am

alright, so here is a dream i just had. I was running through a park. it is fall, like it is now. it was very new england-ish. i was running towards a woman standing out side of a brick house. she was taking pictures and she had sunglasses on. her car was parked in the church parking lot next to our brick house. it was a black Jeep. i told her to stop taking pictures, she was paparazzi. she told me ok, and that there were some more photographers. she told me i would have to climb over some pine (???) and they were up on a hill. i was too tired to go find them, so i went inside. i found a bed and went to sleep. i got up to go to the bathroom and was wearing an undershirt and white boxerbriefs. and then i went downstairs and was talking to my parents and i told them about the paparazzi. i told them about the woman, and then i lied and told them i climbed over the pine and told some guys to stop taking pictures. we started to talk that they were looking for jessica biel (???). jessica biel used to live with us. she still has a room, she is just off filming stuff. then i said maybe they are taking pictures of darci (???). apparently darci was either visiting or living with us. then my dad said he was going to kick me out of school (???). i asked why and then he said nevermind. end of dream.

why the hell jessica biel is in my dream i have no idea. darci used to watch 7th heaven, so that is a connection. the layout of my house didn't remind me of anyhouse ive been in. this is fucked up.

hey wow, im actually up at 8am having SLEPT. these sleeping pills work like a charm! im actually going to go eat breakfast at Chik-fil-a and then go to the library. amazing, i havent had breakfast in a long long time.

10.17.02 | 12:04 pm

well, i crawled in bed for a little more sleep. big mistake, i ended up sleeping until 11:30. damn...i guess the only way to conquer this is to get to bed by 9:30 or 10. My body is getting me up around 7:30, so thats a positive sign. Off for food and studying, hooray
