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pain only goes so deep until i become numb
and drift away into sweet oblivion

� 2002 jbj
@ aim oralsex

The current mood of jbj49@bellsouth.net at www.imood.com

farmer mcgee strikes back
10.14.02 | 4:26 am

im using an AOL trial account for internet access. im still waiting for those dicktowels at bellsouth abuse to turn my dsl back on. but, i figured id create a profile for shits and giggles. amazingly, some people have im'd me about it. basically what it says is that my name is old farmer mcgee, im a rancher, and my personal quote is 'the south will rise again' here is a conversation with a guy who apparently thinks i really am a farmer.

him:� "the south will rise again"� And when it do, we will stand together!!

him:� Hi Farmer McGee: where south are you?� By the border?

Auto response from me: me is online but may be away from AOL right now.

me:� hey you there?

me:� i live in the good ol farmin grounds of south georgia, grow me some onions

him:� Yep.� You?

him:� Good to hear from you man!!� Where in GA are you?

me:� vidalia

me:� got the best damn onions down here

him:� How far from Atlanta?

me:� good 4 to 5 hours i reckon

him:� Got two kids.� How many do you have?

him:� BRB

me:� well, me and ma 's been married for about 40 years, she be spittin out youngins all the time, i thinks we got about 9 or 10, we had a couple more but lost em to farmin accidents

him:� Sounds like you have a good family.� How old are you man?� Am 55.

me:� 62, been farmin all my life

me:� my pappy was a farmer, and so was his pappy

him:� That's good.� Your sons work with you?

me:� yep, a few are grown and gone, but there are a few youngins who help me in the field

me:� im a small farmer, so i cant afford all that new fangled equipment, but i make do with my john deere

me:� its a tough life, but i enjoy it

him:� Very good.� Good to hear that

me:� what about you, what kind of work do you do for a livin ?

him:� Work in an office.

me:� you should live the life of a farmer, get to work out in the fresh air everyday

him:� That's nice ah?� Fill your lungs... Get you up, in more ways than one.

me:� i dont think i follow you sonny...those long hours in the office gettin to you?

him:� No.� Am OK.� Is there a prob?

me:� no, no problem.� so you first IMed me sayin the south will rise again....are you like me and refer to my great great great pappy's war as the war of Northern aggression...i cant stand yankees

him:� Good for you.� Am from PA.� Moved here after a bad divorce.

me:� well, im way up past my bed time, im just having too much fun on american online, ive got to be up at 4 am, give them hell in PA!

him:� Have a good nite man!!
