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pain only goes so deep until i become numb
and drift away into sweet oblivion

� 2002 jbj
@ aim oralsex

The current mood of jbj49@bellsouth.net at www.imood.com

10.13.02 | 3:18 pm

here's some advice for you women out there (specifically for darci):

1-dont subject yourself to misery just because you dont want to piss him off more.

2-he does not have the right to blow up at your for dumb, trivial things.

3-never change who you are, you are beautiful, changing for him just compromises the relationship

4-dont fall in love with your image of him, see him for who he truly is and go from there

5-there are good guys out there. not all guys are out to get in your pants from the beginning. some actually care about who you are, your interests, your beleifs, your thoughts. and yes, these guys are gentlemen who will treat you with respect and love.

6-if guys fuck you up emotionally, take a break from them. there are more important things in life than immature boys who hurt you.

7-forget all the losers you've had in your life, move on.

8-think about your guy friends, and how much you love them. this proves that the male species are not all pigs.

9-always have faith in God (or your gods), or your ancestors if you worship them. Maybe you worship your cat, or that bowling trophy sitting on the mantle? perhaps you worship man... whatever, just have faith that things will work out in the end. they usually do.

10.14.02 | 5:15 am

i went back and looked over this entry. damn, i come across as a pretentious bastard. or a douche. actually, both. darci, whom i was directing this entry to, told me to 'keep tryin buddy!' *sniffle* but hey, im not bitter or anything (polishes shotgun)
