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pain only goes so deep until i become numb
and drift away into sweet oblivion

� 2002 jbj
@ aim oralsex

The current mood of jbj49@bellsouth.net at www.imood.com

10.23.02 | 2:24 pm

i hate the feeling of being ignored, or that i have to wait until i am IMed to speak (as if i am unworthy to talk to her unless she initiates the conversation). any of you ever get this feeling with a person?

i cant believe how much i am putting off cramming for my test tonight. thankfully i have a TI-83 calculator. these things are a godsend for plugging in formulas. cheating is a necessity for college students. we all cheat. don't lie. its survival of the fittest, and dammit we are trying to survive. oh, trust me, if you don't know the important shit that you will use during your career that will catch up to you. but this is some bullshit course. the professors are fools to think that given a chance a student won't cheat.

I just im'd Darci with this...strangely, no response.
Justin: DARRRRRCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (catapults himself into your dorm) hello (jumps out the window, spiraling to his death)
Justin: im sorry, im morbid, but i am laughing really hard right now...ill leave you alone :)

my aol profile for my master screen name

10.23.02 | 9:29pm

pppffffttt. yeah, like putting those formulas really helped me. i bombed that test royally. but the way i look at is all i need is a C in there, because a C transfers, and transfer credit doesnt go towards your GPA (when im at the engineering school). I have to do good on the last tast and on the final, but im pretty sure i can do it if i just get a good study pattern down of studying after EVERY class. its going to kick my ass, but i fucked up on this test so i kinda have to. nnnnggaaaaahhh ::throttles computer:::
